Friday, June 20, 2014

Anarcho Secessionist Libertaritard Justifies Institutionalizing Hating

The anarcho pan-secessionist, crypto-fascist worshiper of the Dixie singin' and still dead Thomas Naylor, the guy whose pompous, know-it-all demeanor causes me to call him Comic Book Guy, Keith Preston, affirms his homo hate in this recent post as he writes about another post from another argle-bargling libertaritard, Sean Gabb:
"I agree with (Sean) Gabb’s comments concerning this advertisement 100%."
The advertisement that CBC, er, Keith Preston refers to is from a recent campaign by Marriott Hotels designed to appeal to an LGBTQ demographic, #LoveTravels; an obviously loving male couple with their children in a Marriott suite.

What follows is Gabb's justifications for discrimination based on perceived sexual orientation.

The money quote from Gabb's piece about the ad and his rationalizations for discrimination is:
"I suspect that many of our regulars will need to pause when they see this (ad), to wipe the vomit off their monitors."
So much homo-hate must be inspired by the fact that CBC and his UK anarcho ally are piggybacking on the upcoming Pride Week marches and celebrations, just to make clear that while their beliefs require them to not object to gays or marriage equality, they can all still agree on the overall ickiness of Teh Gheys. Welcome to the anarcho secessionist world of state sanctioned hatred, exclusion, discrimination and segregation, or as they would have you believe, Freedom!

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Two Secessionists Are Running for the Vermont Governor's Office This Year

If you've been following race, then you must be a blogger. In the real world, nobody much cares at this point. I've already posted about Emily Peyton's incoherent campaign which relies on child molesters, murderers and assorted convicted and incarcerated (out-of-state) felons for campaign work; that on its face doesn't seem to very bright, optics-wise. You can read that post here.

Now comes the Liberty Union's perennial loser (22 times, I believe he's said), Peter Diamondstone, for yet another shellacking. In an at times confused, incoherent, muddled and just plain irrational interview on VPR This evening, Diamondstone cites as his number one issue in this year's gubernatorial race is to be - drumroll - secession. He wants to carry on the failures of the still dead Thomas Naylor and his handpicked gubernatorial loser, Connecticut native, Dennis Steele. That shouldn't be a hard record to match given his own string of unbroken failures

In what promises to be a hard fought battle as to who can get the fewest votes - last time in 2012, Diamondstone got a whooping 0.9%, meaning that more than 99% of the Vermont electorate voted for someone other than Diamondstone.

No doubt there's a bitter fight going on between the Diamondstone-Peyton campaigns over who's going to get the benefit of the secesher political oligarch, Rob Williams' savvy boneheaded campaign insights. When it rains idiots running as secesher candidates, it pours'em, eh, Robster?

I really don't know whether to laugh or throw up. Either's appropriate in the case of these two secesher losers. You'd think they might have pooled, rather than split what little support that there is for secession in Vermont by running on a complimentary ticket - you know, guv and lite guv. Must be too complicated a calculation for this secesher brain trust.

Dennis Steele still has time to get in on the action as a write-in loser.

Quel plaisir!

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

Emily Peyton, a longtime secession and public bank backer has now sought support from and affiliates her campaign with the worst of the worst - child molesters, murderers, violent criminals and other assorted convicted felons.

I'll deal with the secession stuff first.

In August of 2010, during her premier, disastrous gubernatorial campaign where she eventually garnered a whooping whole quarter of one percent of the votes cast, Peyton commented in a Seven Days article,
"We ought to do the groundwork before we secede. That is the basis of my platform, to prepare the foundation for economic survival and integrity, thus that we have legs to stand on when we wish to secede!"

"Of course we want to be an independent republic, what has being a member of the US done for us ? Brought us the pride of being the terror of the world? The dignity of creating the worst pollution per capita ? The joy of having more prisons and prisoners per capita than anywhere else? The hope of being the place where our gross national product is dominated by things that kill other people?"

"With economic stability that my proposals bring, and the economic independence we could actually secede. Right now we would be scrambling for a way to do business as the FED places sanctions on us for doing so. Put the
[public] banking proposals I name in place and the VUE, vermont unit of exchange, and we can do quite well all by ourselves. People ! Hear this! Please."
For years now, Emily Peyton has been at the helm of a boatload of batshit crazy proposals like Vermont secession but this report from Vermont Public Radio confirms the worst of it. It seems that Peyton, who on a good day polls in the single digit percentile or less, is so bereft of supporters here in Vermont that she has taken a very dark turn and has encouraged a letter writing campaign from prisoners at Vermont's out-of-state prison facility in Beattyville, KY aimed at Vermont newsrooms. What is she seeking to unleash? Prisoners who have no access to local programming are demanding coverage for Peyton and her whacky views, one of which is that rather than incarceration for non-violent prisoners, Vermont should give them free land to farm! Giving the miscreants 3-4 acres to farm will do far more to rehabilitate them than letting the Court direct the remedy, be it incarceration, a drug court, probation with conditions like not drinking or getting a job, etc, according to Peyton. Welcome to Peytopia for criminals! Maybe I'll repeatedly drive drunk, burglarize a few empty residences, embezzle funds from a corporation or two and bounce some checks, and then ask for my 4 acres in Woodstock or some lakefront in Charlotte! Ka-ching!

The reported leader of her gray bar outreach campaign is an admitted child molester whose conviction Peyton calls "questionable." The undisputed, unquestionable facts of his case are that this monster:
  • First admitted to sexually molesting his stepdaughter in 2002 when she was five or six years old.
  • Self reported his crime to an agent of the Vermont Department of Children & Families in May of 2006.
  • The next day admitted to officers of Burlington PD's Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations that he had sexually molested his stepdaughter four years earlier.
  • Pled guilty to two counts of molesting his stepdaughter in November of 2007.
  • Six weeks later, in January, 2008, the child molester tried to back out of his guilty plea wherein he had escaped additional charges including possession of child pornography and obstruction of justice.
  • In a December 2013 appeal decision related to the child molester's case a three judge panel of the Vermont Supreme Court issued yet another smack down of his repeated collateral attacks regarding his conviction.
  • The child molester agent for Peyton's campaign in the gang riddled Beattyville, KY prison has unsuccessfully sought in US District Court (Vermont) in 2009 to thwart the Department of Corrections from properly supervising computer access by prisoners, and has recently filed a new collateral attack in the same court. Also, he made a premature application for relief from the same court awhile ago which got kicked back. He refiled something like it in April of this year (pro se, of course) after the Vermont Supreme Court shot him down, arguing 1) that he was denied the right to a speedy trial, 2) had ineffective assistance of counsel (he acted pro se after repeatedly firing his court appointed lawyers, fer crissakes!), 3) involuntary guilty plea, and 4) insufficient evidence to sustain the prospect for conviction (like the self reporting to a child protection agency and the subsequent confession to police investigators should be ignored at this time). Anyone want to make a bet at this point? If not on the likelihood that he'll get denied, then on the likelihood that he'll appeal the denial to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit? No? Don't blame ya.
I won't be mentioning the scumbag's name since, like school shooters and mass murderers, this guy craves attention. He had a website which later was shutdown, only to reemerge when he began trolling for support in the pen for Peyton - and, no, I'm also never going to link to any of his weasley, justifying, word salad ramblings because this dirtbag has gone so far as to further his abuse of his stepdaughter by repeatedly publishing her full name and where she now lives, and, perhaps most reprehensibly, published the graphic details of her forensic pediatric clinical examination along with his commentary about her genitals on his blog.

You can read Peyton's long-winded and tortuous March 25, 2014 letter to this scumbag here.

The only thing questionable here is why a candidate for governor of the State of Vermont who has done so poorly in her two previous tries would chuck her dignity to scrape the very bottom of the barrel for support from an admitted and convicted child molester, among numerous other felons. Has she no shame?

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Multi Time Secessionist Loser Robert Wagner to Run for One of Two Addison County (VT) Senate Seats - Maybe

From the Monday, June 9, 2014 Addison Independent's article here on 2014 legislative candidates:
"As of Friday (June 6), Ripton (VT) independent Robert Wagner (via his Facebook page) was the only confirmed challenger for one of the two seats. Wagner has run unsuccessfully for a state Senate seat the past two election cycles."
Okay, call me cynical but I hardly think that a Facebook page titled "Robert Wagner for Vermont Senate 2014" that hasn't had a new post since March 13, 2013 is hardly "confirmation." Similarly, "Senator" Wagner, as he likes to call himself, hasn't had a new post at his campaign website since November 25, 2012. Let's wait to see if he registers with the Vermont Secretary of State as a candidate - who knows, he may pull a Peyton and run in the Republican primary as an Addison county Senate candidate. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

You can read Robert "Needed Killin' " Wagner's unhinged spin on his stunning defeat in the 2012 election cycle that he entitled, "Never give up, Never give in, Never surrender" here.

Meanwhile, in another matter related to Wagner's conflicting positions, there's been no word yet about whether Wagner will be returning the $288.30 Federal subsidy he received while flying out of the airport in Rutland, VT, which is exactly the kind of Federal subsidy that he "is strongly opposed to" and has argued harms Vermonters that I revealed he'd hypocritically availed himself of (as in sticking his snout in the federal money trough) here. Wagner must publicly give back that subsidy money or he'll be exposed for the hypocritical fraud that many of us Vermonters now know him to be.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

VTDigger Posts a Vermont Secessionist Bonehead's Energy Rant Without Disclosing That Hans O'Hanion Is A Secesher

A reader has pointed me to an Op-Ed commentary posted at VTDigger by Vermont secessionist Hans O'Hanion. O'Hanion's curricula vitae omits this fact, as well as O'Hanion's longtime association with his Charlotte neighbor, the still dead Dixie singin' anti-Semite and proponent of a white homeland comprised of northern New England and the Canadian Maritimes, Thomas H. Naylor.

Like Naylor, O'Hanion has major probs with our congressional delegation, state government and the average Vermonter's commitment to seeking a path to sustainable energy alternatives that don't involve dangerous nuclear power plants. O'Hanion's piece disparages average Vermonters in a major way because he's a scholar academic blowhard (Academic blowhards are a staple of the anti-Semitic and racist pan-secessionist movement). O'Hanion essentially argues that sustainable energy alternatives are all inferior to "safe" nuclear power modules. Remember, back before Three Mile Island, when the egghead blowhards told us that nuclear power plants were safe? O'Hanion can't seem to accept the decision of the vast majority of Vermonters that nuclear is definitely not something that they want in the energy mix. O'Hanion's chance of successfully peddling his nonsense in his lifetime is about the same as Naylor's dream of creating a white homeland in his lifetime, although he has succeeded in projecting the degree of contempt that Naylor had before he croaked for the average Vermonter.

Where this secesher nonsense involving O'Hanion and the utterly failed Vermont "independence" crap converges is in the ill-fated seditious attempt by a small group of Vermont secesher boneheads to reconstitute a state governmental branch that had been legally disbanded nearly a hundred and fifty years ago called the Vermont Council of Censors. The duties of the Council are now those of the Vermont Supreme Court. The "reconstitution" was proposed by scholar rocket scientist Gary Flomenhoft at a secesher meeting in May of 2009 at Goddard College. While the original Council members were elected by Vermonters, the "reconstituted" group was made up of self-selected appointees like Dennis "Hit List" Morrisseau, Not-So-Senator Robert "Needed Killin' " Wagner, and O'Hanion.

All this Vermont Council of Censors stupidity that was intended to oversee the legislation coming out of the General Assembly and the activities of the Governor's office came to a screeching halt when I exposed it in 2010 here.

I'm left wondering why the "diggers" at VTDigger left this out of O'Hanion's background description. Wouldn't it have helped readers to gauge how unhinged the following commentary would turn out to be?

O'Hanion has no, um, better booster than the publisher of the failed Vermont secesher hate blog, Rob Williams, who called O'Hanion:
"[an] enthusiastic supporter of Vermont independence"
At about the time O'Hanion and his cohorts were advancing their seditious plot, the late Julie Waters nailed it thusly:
"What used to be a movement that was looked at with at least some small amount of interest has now been completely discredited."
- Julie Waters, Monday, July 6, 2009
Shame on VTDigger for missing this very pertinent detail from their commentator O'Hanion's background.

(h/t Todd)

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Vermont Secessionist Blogger Carol Moore's "Jew Counting," "Jew Washing" and "Jew Lubing"

Welcome Wikipedians! There was a definite uptick in searches for Carol Moore posts on this blog starting late last year which continued into the spring. This often happens in conjunction with one of her recurring episodes of conflict of interest editing, edit warring, inappropriately combative behavior that factlessly questions the character of other editors, coatracking or scrubbing articles of RS that put her allies, like the racist admirer of Hitler's Third Reich, Murray Rothbard or the Holocaust denier, Gilad Atzmon, in an accurate, if unflattering, light.

Carol Moore, an anti-Semitic, meshuga blogger who promotes segregation, or as she likes to call them, "homogeneous communities," as a valid alternative to integrated communities (her original blog post has been purged from the last iteration of the Vermont secessionist hate blog, then called VT Commons, but reference to her post is archived here) and who has recently begun to dabble in rather feckless transphobic rhetoric, has gotten her fat ass in a sling once again at Wikipedia where she contorts the truth in a variety of articles. Moore has long been known there as a coatracking specialist who's displayed a distinct inability to play well with others. As mentioned above, she also has a history as a longtime, toxic contributor to Rob Williams' now defunct hate blog called VTCommons where she spewed her anti-Semitic rhetoric along with another Jew loathing blogger, Dennis "Hit List" Morrisseau (I really recommend reading the link for "Hit List" for a taste of how demented these "Jew counters" can be that were being promoted then by Williams, who himself has "issues" with Jews.)

Moore's other anti-Semitic activities include the racist act of "Jew counting," a common practice at hate sites like
""... it would be helpful if someone did a thorough study/charting of who controls/manages the major media and especially their ties to Israel and pro-Israel groups. Interviews with as many as possible with be a plus. No analysis of disproportionate power by any ethnic group - especially with strong ties to a foreign nation - should be off limits..." - Carol Moore
Source - a Yahoo groups post entitled Jews Run CNN & All Media
Moore furthers her nefarious endeavors by "Jew washing" her resulting work, using notorious Jewish Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites like Jeff Blankfort and Gilad Atzmon (who has also promoted the idea of synagogue burning) as cover for her Jew hatred. You can read more about Carol's friends and "sources", Jeff ("I do not believe there was any official Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews because, had there been, there would not have been close to a million left alive") Blankfort and Gilad ("the Jews were responsible for the killing of Jesus") Atzmon, and their anti-Semitic activities here. Perhaps when Moore is using scum like Blankfort and Atzmon to "Jew wash" her "Jew counting" for insertion into forum discussions or WP articles we should be calling them her, to coin a phrase, "Jew lube." I really hadn't thought she could publicly sink so low as to what one would normally expect to see going on at some neo-Nazi website but I'm by no means surprised by her worsening racism. Her various hatreds - transgendered people, men, political opponents, Jews, integration, etc. - takes so many forms.

In one fact starved stream of accusations, Moore showed how "non-violent" she really is in this display of misandrist, threatening invective meant to convey how deep her ideation on castration fantasies are when it comes to men and male animals from more than six years ago:
"Of course, any female - and most men - can guess what my real response to it was. (Hint, where's the rubber bands - or the anesthetic and the proper tools.)"
Fortunately, real feminists eschew this sort of crap that marginalizes women into a stereotype that misogynists love to employ. What a dope! It was just this sort of statement about an accomplished, male WP editor that led to another of her kerfuffles with the powers that be at WP. She said then that the editor was getting his rocks off because he'd edited WP articles on human sexuality; he quit editing rather than deal with her insanity. She herself later went on to edit sexuality articles, so should we assume she was doing so to get off since she's lived alone for many, many years and has even posted on her hate blog entreaties to some self-loathing man who would like her to cook for him? She did have a dog once but rumor has it that it took its own life out of desperation from having to live in a rundown duplex with sheets hung over the windows (can't be too careful about the NSA).

Similarly, she recently posted at her hate blog this threatening blather directed at transgendered people:
"* Tough to be a woman - say the transgender males to females who fully have transitioned.
"I didn't know how much more respect I got as a male! No one listens to me. They blame me for things they (sic) guys screw up. It's unbelievable!!"
Welcome to the club, former boys... but mess with me in the women's room and you'll get a kick in whatever's left down there now..."

Source - but only go there if you really need a full dose of crazy.
Again, using her standard for posting on such matters, why is she so nuts about nuts? Truly, Moore, the self professed Gandhi devotee, is one violence obsessed mothereffer and all of her targets seem to be men. Moore has been repeatedly blocked from editing by Wikipedia administrators due to her maligning the character of fellow editors, a major WP no-no. Moore operates at WP like a demented jailhouse lawyer but her latest skirting of the rules after being banned for a year from editing the WP article on Austrian economics, a.k.a. Austerian economics, earned her a two week block from editing any WP article, and, believe me, you have to try really, really hard to get WP wusses to do much of anything about the anti-Semites, racists, homophobes and haters like Moore who prowl their articles to insert poisonous untruths.

The record of the three month long, migraine inducing WP hubbubery, er, arbitration process that led to multiple sanctions is here. The CliffNotes version that deals only with Moore's transgressions is here, here (Preliminary Statements), here (Findings of Facts - Carol Moore), here (Remedies - Carol Moore) and here (Subsequent Sanction - Carol Moore only, natch!). Enjoy with a few Advil!

I'm reposting immediately below a February 7, 2011 post that'll give you a pretty good sense of the depth of Moore's hatred for the Jews. Since there's always a decided rise in the number of readers here looking for that post when Moore goes on the attack, as there was this past winter during the WP Arbitration Investigation, I thought now might be a good time to move it back to the top of the blog:
One thing about a neo-Nazi post like last week's is that you do get email as a result.

One of the email subjects had to do with a certain veteran blogger
for"Vermont Commons" (Full Disclosure: she's also a longtime, virulent critic of this blog.), Carol Moore.

My own investigation has come up with a truly putrid example of the sort of anti-Semitism that paddles along with so much of the fringe movement known as secessionism, as well as the sovereign citizen movement, in America. [1] [2] That's not to say that because one is intrigued with what secession might mean to accomplish, it then follows that they're an anti-Semite. It's just something that as you wade through what's being written by seceshers you'll find anti-Semitism pops up as one of the rationales for why they're failing, over and over again. For instance, Thomas Naylor, baas of the Second Vermont Republic, rants about the Israeli Mafia or he suggests the possibility that this or other blogs might be agents of, or in cahoots with, the Mossad.

Here's what one VTCommons blogger, Carol Moore, a sputtering dingbat if ever there was one, has written in the past at a Yahoo group messageboard:
Re: [libs4peace] U.S. Troops vs. HAMAS?! (click on screen cap to embiggen)

"Sharon would love to have Hamas killing American troops, just like he's delighted to see them killing Jews, since it makes his facist (sic) goals of "leibenstraum" (sic) and grabbing the rest of Israel that much easier by inflaming the public."

"I'm getting tired of turning on the news first thing in the AM and seeing the TOP story is what is going on in Israel. And it disgusts me to have to watch a congressional sub-committee dominated by pro-Zionists reaming Bush for the TINY little bit he is doing to try to keep the Israelis from driving the Arabs out of what little is left of Palestine, which the goyim obviously dare not ask ANY question of the Bush official that might be interpreted as criticism of Israel. And we've seen how Bush is back to Kissing Sharon's Ass. (Plug for Carol Moore products deleted.)"

"And Mr. Sass wonders why this issue keeps coming up here.. If the Israel's (sic) just kept their oppression over there, it would be far less annoying."

"Dealing with the nefarious influence of Israel Firsters on Congress and in the media (which is mostly owned and/or controlled by pro-Zionists, mostly Jews) has got to be a prime goal of the peace movement -- but good luck, with left and right wing pro-Zionists ready to yell anti-semite at the drop of a hat. Even the Buddhist Peace group I went to recently was dominated by pro-Zionist Jews. ARGHGH!!!"

"... Meanwhile Israel keeps building up it's 400 nuke arsenal and can now deliver them any where on earth."

"Anyone else want to concentrate on nonviolent SECESSION from our Special Interest (corporations, labor union, military-industrial, Zionist) controlled government??"

I've only highlighted a few of the vile, anti-Semitic and racist tropes used in Moore's tirade. A more detailed inventory of Moore's anti-Semitic image management can be found here: one example is her characterization (cover) for a Holocaust denier by suggesting that "questions remain" and the Holocaust is "has been exploited shamelessly for political gain" - Ahmadinejad couldn't have said it better. So crazed is Moore's desire for importance and relevance that she outs her perceived "obsession" with Jews at the libs4peace messageboard members here.

Moore's an example of the new anti-Semitism so prevalent in today's fringe groups or on Fox News, which equates Israel with Nazi Germany using "trivializing comparisons" such as (Lebensraum), thus suggesting that Israel is a vastly expanding fascist, neo-Nazi state whose armies of millions are on the move; reiterates the old anti-Semitic myth that Jews control the media and the US government (also called ZOG).

Moore's hateful harangue is as utterly shameful as her assertion that she is being oppressed by Israel is ludicrous.

One need look no further for evidence of Moore's ongoing war against
the Jews than her 400-500 edits in the Wikipedia article, Allegations of Jewish Control of the Media . This anti-Semitic activism caused a firestorm on the Wikipedia Noticeboards last month that has yet to abate. Here's one example, as well as others from a month earlier here and here that also revolve around actions advancing the cause of anti-Semitism. There're many, many more complaints about her anti-Semitic agenda wreaking havoc on Wikipedia articles.

No less an expert on white supremacists, the Klan, anti-Semites and other wingnuts, Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates, has had this to say about Carol Moore and her whitewash of the Branch Davidian murderers and their serial child molester/murderer/cult leader, David Koresh:
"Ah yes, Carol Moore. She wrote one of the worst books on the Branch Davidian tragedy (and there were some real stinkers)."

"She has this great theory that radical protests are tied to sunspots."

Chip Berlet
You'd think that after four years (today's the 4th anniversary for this blog), VTCommons publisher, Rob Williams, would have figured out that as long as he keeps up these sorts of direct associations with racist, white supremacist or anti-Semitic extremists like Duncan, Griffin, Naylor and plain old whackjobs like Moore, as well as his recruiting promoters of loopy sovereign citizen movement legal arguments, his movement is going to remain stopped dead in its tracks as it is.

It's time for Williams to start taking out the trash at the VTCommons blog and in the Free Vermont movement, or is his allowance of anything goes in a Brave New Vermont a not so subtle warning being given to "undesirables" of the treatment they might anticipate when he and the other cowboys (and girls) take over? Certainly Williams' Don't Ask, Don't Care policy isn't going to do (or will it Rob?):
"(S)ome of our secession scholars - Don Livingston, for example - happen to be southerners. Anyone who has met and talked with Don knows the man is thoughtful and well-studied. Is he a racist? I don’t know. And frankly, it is none of my damn business, at a personal level."
Or maybe it'd be simpler if Williams would just accepted the obvious; that the vast majority Vermonters (by last count 99.21%) aren't interested in what his "small community of secessionists" is offering (Actually, 1.21% is the average of spoilt ballots over the past 22 years, so maybe no one really intended to vote for the secesher candidate in the first place).

Update 12:00 PM: Carol Moore's complained of the use of the photo. She isn't very photogenic so I get her point. The parody involved, that of a bigoted fraud who purports to be an advocate for peace and whose hateful t-shirt belies that role, apparently escaped her, but for the sake of comity I've removed the photo and replaced it with an explanatory message. In the future, the parodic use will be clear and unmistakeable, even to her.

Interestingly, Moore did not refudiate any of the above text or the thoughts and views expressed by her in any of messages sent by her this morning. She does, however, appear to be fascinated with googling herself. I hope she's not as confused about that as Marge Simpson was. Moore attached a link that she said comes up first (it doesn't) when she gives herself a googlejob. When I checked the link she provided, it discloses that her "research" relies on the likes of world class nutjob, Jerome Corsi.

Update 2.8.11, 4:00 PM: Carol Moore has written at the VTCommons blog that "The fact he gets no comments attests to the fact he doubtless has few readers, except maybe his employers, who aren't getting their moneys worth." Where to start on that little boatload of crazy?

Site stats refute her readership claims.

All the comments received have been from the very "small community" of secesher supporters and their out-of-state allies. Something about staying on topic escapes them, and I have no intention of providing therapy for what's ailing them - they were not approved for publication. In Moore's case the truth is that in addition to being an anti-Semite, she's a liar; she submitted seven nutty comments.

Comments are now closed.
If all the above crazy isn't enough cockimammy for your liking, consider these:

In a previous life, Moore, well, I'll let her tell you:
"I wasn't so lucky an American in my last life, and was bombed by the Nazis as I hid out on a Dutch barge."
Which, when coupled with her theory (that I like to think of as the icing in the shitcake that is Carol Moore) on sunspots and political activism that she's devoted reams of bandwidth to here can only lead us to assume that she disputes in their entirety the WP articles on Correlation Does Not Imply Causation or Illusory Correlation.

A racist, delusional dingbat is our Carol Moore.

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