One thing about a
neo-Nazi post like last week's is that you do get email as a result.
One of the email subjects had to do with a certain veteran blogger

"Vermont Commons" (Full Disclosure: she's also a longtime, virulent critic of this blog.), Carol Moore.
My own investigation has come up with a truly putrid example of the sort of anti-Semitism that paddles along with so much of the fringe movement known as secessionism, as well as the sovereign citizen movement, in America.
[1] [2] That's not to say that because one is intrigued with what secession might mean to accomplish, it then follows that they're an anti-Semite. It's just something that as you wade through what's being written by seceshers you'll find anti-Semitism pops up as one of the rationales for why they're failing, over and over again. For instance, Thomas Naylor,
baas of the
Second Vermont Republic, rants about the Israeli Mafia or
he suggests the possibility that this or other blogs might be agents of, or in cahoots with, the Mossad.Here's what one VTCommons blogger, Carol Moore, a sputtering dingbat if ever there was one, has written in the past at a
Yahoo group messageboard:
Re: [libs4peace] U.S. Troops vs. HAMAS?! (click on screen cap to embiggen)
"Sharon would love to have Hamas killing American troops, just like he's delighted to see them killing Jews, since it makes his facist (sic) goals of "leibenstraum" (sic) and grabbing the rest of Israel that much easier by inflaming the public."
"I'm getting tired of turning on the news first thing in the AM and seeing the TOP story is what is going on in Israel. And it disgusts me to have to watch a congressional sub-committee dominated by pro-Zionists reaming Bush for the TINY little bit he is doing to try to keep the Israelis from driving the Arabs out of what little is left of Palestine, which the goyim obviously dare not ask ANY question of the Bush official that might be interpreted as criticism of Israel. And we've seen how Bush is back to Kissing Sharon's Ass. (Plug for Carol Moore products deleted.)"
"And Mr. Sass wonders why this issue keeps coming up here.. If the Israel's (sic) just kept their oppression over there, it would be far less annoying."
"Dealing with the nefarious influence of Israel Firsters on Congress and in the media (which is mostly owned and/or controlled by pro-Zionists, mostly Jews) has got to be a prime goal of the peace movement -- but good luck, with left and right wing pro-Zionists ready to yell anti-semite at the drop of a hat. Even the Buddhist Peace group I went to recently was dominated by pro-Zionist Jews. ARGHGH!!!"
"... Meanwhile Israel keeps building up it's 400 nuke arsenal and can now deliver them any where on earth."
"Anyone else want to concentrate on nonviolent SECESSION from our Special Interest (corporations, labor union, military-industrial, Zionist) controlled government??"
I've only highlighted a few of the vile, anti-Semitic and racist tropes used in Moore's tirade. A more detailed inventory of Moore's anti-Semitic image management can be found
here: one example is her characterization (cover) for a Holocaust denier by suggesting that "questions remain" and the Holocaust is "has been exploited shamelessly for political gain" -
Ahmadinejad couldn't have said it better. So crazed is Moore's desire for importance and relevance that she outs her perceived "obsession" with Jews at the libs4peace messageboard members
Moore's an example of the
new anti-Semitism so prevalent in today's fringe groups or on Fox News, which equates Israel with Nazi Germany using "
trivializing comparisons" such as (
Lebensraum), thus suggesting that Israel is a vastly expanding fascist, neo-Nazi state whose armies of millions are on the move; reiterates the old anti-Semitic myth that
Jews control the media and the US government (also called
Moore's hateful harangue is as utterly shameful as her assertion that she is being oppressed by Israel is ludicrous.
One need look no further for evidence of Moore's ongoing war against

the Jews than her 400-500 edits in the Wikipedia article,
Allegations of Jewish Control of the Media . This anti-Semitic activism caused a firestorm on the Wikipedia Noticeboards last month that has yet to abate.
Here's one example, as well as others from a month earlier
here and
here that also revolve around actions advancing the cause of anti-Semitism. There're many, many more complaints about her anti-Semitic agenda wreaking havoc on Wikipedia articles.
No less an expert on white supremacists, the Klan, anti-Semites and other wingnuts,
Chip Berlet of
Political Research Associates, has had this to say about Carol Moore and her whitewash of the Branch Davidian murderers and their serial child molester/murderer/cult leader, David Koresh:
"Ah yes, Carol Moore. She wrote one of the worst books on the Branch Davidian tragedy (and there were some real stinkers)."
"She has this great theory that radical protests are tied to sunspots."
Chip Berlet
You'd think that after four years (today's the 4th anniversary for this blog),
VTCommons publisher,
Rob Williams, would have figured out that as long as he keeps up these sorts of direct associations with racist, white supremacist or anti-Semitic extremists like Duncan, Griffin, Naylor and plain old whackjobs like Moore, as well as his recruiting promoters of
loopy sovereign citizen movement legal arguments, his movement is going to remain stopped dead in its tracks as it is.
It's time for Williams to start taking out the trash at the
VTCommons blog and in the Free Vermont movement, or is his allowance of anything goes in a Brave New Vermont a not so subtle warning being given to "undesirables" of the treatment they might anticipate when he and the other cowboys (and girls) take over? Certainly Williams'
Don't Ask, Don't Care policy isn't going to do (or will it Rob?):
"(S)ome of our secession scholars - Don Livingston, for example - happen to be southerners. Anyone who has met and talked with Don knows the man is thoughtful and well-studied. Is he a racist? I don’t know. And frankly, it is none of my damn business, at a personal level."
Or maybe it'd be simpler if Williams would just accepted the obvious; that the vast majority Vermonters (by last count 99.21%) aren't interested in what his "small community of secessionists" is offering (Actually, 1.21% is the average of spoilt ballots over the past 22 years, so maybe no one really intended to vote for the secesher candidate in the first place).
Update 12:00 PM: Carol Moore's complained of the use of the photo. She isn't very photogenic so I get her point. The parody involved, that of a bigoted fraud who purports to be an advocate for peace and whose hateful t-shirt belies that role, apparently escaped her, but for the sake of comity I've removed the photo and replaced it with an explanatory message. In the future, the parodic use will be clear and unmistakeable, even to her.
Interestingly, Moore did not
refudiate any of the above

text or the thoughts and views expressed by her in any of messages sent by her this morning. She does, however, appear to be fascinated with googling herself. I hope she's not as confused about that
as Marge Simpson was. Moore attached a link that she said comes up first (it doesn't) when she gives herself a
googlejob. When I checked the link she provided, it discloses that her "research" relies on the likes of
world class nutjob, Jerome Corsi.
Update 2.8.11, 4:00 PM: Carol Moore has written at the VTCommons blog that "The fact he gets no comments attests to the fact he doubtless has few readers, except maybe his employers, who aren't getting their moneys worth." Where to start on that little boatload of crazy?
Site stats refute her readership claims.
All the comments received have been from the very "small community" of secesher supporters and their out-of-state allies. Something about staying on topic escapes them, and I have no intention of providing therapy for what's ailing them - they were not approved for publication. In Moore's case the truth is that in addition to being an anti-Semite, she's a liar; she submitted seven nutty comments.
Comments are now closed.
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Labels: anti-Semitism, Carol Moore, Chip Berlet, Free Vermont, James Duncan, racism, Rob Williams, Robert S. Griffin, Thomas Naylor, Vermont Commons