Addison County's On Again, Off Again, Vermont State Senate Candidate, Robert Wagner, Seems to Be At the End of the Line For the 2012 Election Cycle
After having dropped out of sight for weeks, nay, months, Vermont's obsessively negative campaigner and the not-ever-likely-to-be, self declared "Senator" Robert "Needed Killin' " Wagner has indicated that he's dropping in and/or out again. In a persistently, yes, hateful campaign full of distortions, an exceedingly negative tone, and repeated mistruths about his opponents and those of other candidates for whom Wagner's offered uniformly unrequited support, Wagner has taken his campaign to a low that was only equaled by his 2010 secessionist running mates, Dennis Steele and Peter Garritano.
Last week, after I posted that his campaign's been on an oddly extended hiatus as the 2012 election cycle winds to a close, Wagner belatedly began posting again about his campaign machine moving into overdrive - door-to-door outreach, sign waving - but nothing really seems to be coming of his, uh, late "October surprise" campaign twirl.
Early voting began during the last week of September, while Wagner was on break, but Wagner's announcement of his going door-to-door in Addison County didn't come until the last week in October - not exactly a winning strategy. Town clerks from across the state are reporting early voting is up and "in some communities it's expected that as many as a third of all voters will cast their ballot before Election Day." Funnier still, last week Wagner announced that he'd be doing a campaign sign wave event in downtown Middlebury on Saturday, October 27, between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM. I didn't find him there at 12:00 PM but when I swung through again shortly after 1:30 PM, there he was with his swarm of
In what passed more for a sign (two) vigil that was oddly marked by the grimaces and scowls that Wagner and his cohort cast at passing motorists and pedestrians, I was amazed by the whole gloominess of the event.
By the time I could find parking and returned at about 1:45 PM, Wagner and his bud had scooted, more than an hour and a quarter early. Maybe it was because, from what I observed, they got totally ignored by residents, who no doubt remembered that when they'd identified a community need and had met the challenge by raising the funds locally, and not at the state teat as he has, he shit all over their efforts at the opening of the Cross Street bridge in 2010.
I did manage to get one person at the corner to memorialize my attendance but, as can be seen, no Wagner.
When Wagner has campaigned this year, both in person and online, it's been as possibly the most negative of the minuscule, non-party candidates that's ever reared its/his nasty head. He's even invoked the name of George Aiken in his campaign material:
"... as did George Aiken: local solutions first."Whether he was focusing on local energy or local infrastructure, Aiken never would have embraced the likes of Wagner. Aiken never was a secessionist nor could it be inferred from anything he ever said that he would have been. He was a Republican (old school) who served in the United States Senate for 34 years. Those of us who lived here when "the Governor" was alive know exactly what he'd think of Wagner's secessionist, neo-Georgist/Marxist, crybaby campaign. Wagner had better hope that Lola Aiken never finds out that he's drafted her husband into his hateful campaign.
George Aiken, unlike Wagner, served Vermont first at the local level, then in the multiple state and federal offices. Wagner, who after his failed attempt at inserting a secesher poison pill ordinance at this year's Ripton Town Meeting, hasn't attended a single select board meeting; he has no record of public service in any community that he's passed through that I can find. No, but he's ready to serve in the Vermont Senate with an economic agenda that accounts for some of the greatest suffering in the last century. He's claimed to have engineered an effort to replace every member of the Vermont Senate that he's called "The Thirty." The two remaining dimwits that he'd originally touted didn't make his recent list of candidates that he's endorsed in the past few days - Dexter LeFavour and Dick Tracy for Vermont Senate and Tim Ryan, Ben Eastwood, Teo Zagar and Will Stevens for House - candidates who haven't endorsed back at him or responded to his various FB posts about them on his page or theirs.
Robert Wagner, despite his delusions of grandiosity in Vermont, is no George Aiken.
Post election, I'll have much more on his and the Vermont secession movement's neo-Georgist/Marxist nonsense. Suffice it to say that at this point the Wagner campaign is done.
Meanwhile, in another matter related to Wagner's conflicting positions, there's been no word yet about whether Wagner will be

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Labels: 2012 election cycle, George Aiken, neo-Georgist economic bunkum, Robert Wagner
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