Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Possible New Vermont Commons Blogger?

Looks like the defunct print "news" journal Vermont Commons' anti-Semitic, segregationist and misandrist blogger Carol Moore has some competition out there on the street both in terms of her lunatic rants about Jews and her general fashion sense:

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Matt Cropp Comes In Dead Last in The Voting in His Credit Union Takeover Attempt

Ardent Vermont secessionist Matt Cropp and fellow Burlington Occupier Eric Davis got a gift of sorts with the untimely death of an incumbent Vermont Federal Credit Union board member who was on the slate of those recommended by VFCU for re-election to the board of directors. Of the four board members elected, Davis came in a very distant fourth with less than 40% of the votes of any of the three other elected members; Cropp came in dead last with barely 20%, thus maintaining his significant losing streak in matters electoral.

Cropp and Davis have been engaged in a battle to takeover the vacant seat for some time now and, for the moment, Davis sits on the VFCU board. Davis already has trouble brewing with the board on a trademark infringement issue related to his and Cropp's Occupy Burlington committee group that's been targeting VFCU.

This CUrfuffle (sorry) has captured the attention of the National Credit Union Administration. The Credit Union Times has a piece headlined, "Occupy Activist Elected to Vermont Federal Board" here. Davis' winning manner is on full display in CUTimes piece's comments.

What the Cropp/Davis cabal wants comes down to this: 30 members of an inept Vermont Occupy group in Burlington group intend to tell the 33,000 members of VFCU what their priorities should be. Sounds like one tenth of the 1% telling the 99.9% what's to be, no? Cropp has been plotting an extreme minority takeover of Vermont's credit unions for months, as first revealed on this blog last February.

I'd just want to know why someone always seems to end up dead when the Occupy Burlington people get involved.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nearing Post Time for the 2012 Electoral Horserace

Today's the last day when candidates for Vermont's statewide and legislative elective offices may submit their nominating petitions.

Wannabe "Senator" Robert "Needed Killin' " Wagner's call to arms for 30 secessionist Senate candidates to lead Vermont out of the Union (which received no responses on his website) has only registered one candidate from the list of 5 that he's been promoting for nearly a year - Peter Moss from Franklin County who is running under the Peace and Prosperity Party (?) banner on this go around - all the while claiming that he has at least 6 who'll be running for the senate in 2012. This is according to the latest list of submitted petitions as of Tuesday, June 12 that was made available to VTDigger by Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos.

I suppose we're going to have to wait until post time at 5:00 PM to learn if the present lone occupant of the secesher clown car will have company.

Secretary Condos has indicated that his office will try to have a complete list of candidates who've submitted nominating petitions by today's deadline up online over the weekend sometime.

Meanwhile, in another matter related to Wagner's conflicting positions, there's been no word yet about whether Wagner will be returning the $288.30 Federal subsidy he received while flying out of the airport in Rutland, VT, which is exactly the kind of subsidy that he "is strongly opposed to" and has argued harms Vermonters that I revealed he'd hypocritically availed himself of (as in sticking his snout in the federal money trough) here. Wagner must publicly give back that subsidy money or he'll be exposed for the hypocritical fraud that many of us Vermonters know him to be.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Poll Dancer

I always get a chuckle when I read another disinformative post published by the baas of the Second Vermont Republic at the Dixie singin', Magnolia Vermonter, Thomas Naylor's failing website about how secession is catching fire, jis' you looky see.

This time he's touting a recent poll from a Fox & Friends favorite data skewer, the Rasmussen Reports. These guys at Rasmussen have been notorious for getting it wrong - off by more than 40 points in a recent Senate election, setting a record - and for putting their thumb on the scale for Republicans (read: Teabaggers and libertarian frauds) for years. Read more here.

Not to put too fine a point on it but apparently dear Thomas takes as good news the fact that a infamously disreputable polling organization reports that more than 75% of Americans don't give a hoot about his secession baby.

Dream on, Tommy Boy, dream on. Everyone knows that the unhinged percentage of the electorate ranges between 20 to 30% and constitutes the average percentage of overt racists, misogynists, homophobes, anti-Semites and armpit sniffers in any population or sampling.

Naylor should find a less lame pollster while he's at it, since he's only embarrassing his "movement" by relying on such questionable sources for encouragement for his dying group.

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