Today's the last day when candidates for Vermont's statewide and legislative elective offices may submit their nominating petitions.
Wannabe "Senator" Robert
"Needed Killin' " Wagner's call to arms for 30 secessionist Senate candidates to lead Vermont out of the Union (which received no responses on his website) has only registered one candidate from the list of 5 that he's been promoting for nearly a year - Peter Moss from Franklin County who is running under the Peace and Prosperity Party (?) banner on this go around - all the while claiming that he has at least 6 who'll be running for the senate in 2012. This is according to
the latest list of submitted petitions as of Tuesday, June 12 that was made available to
VTDigger by Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos.
I suppose we're going to have to wait until post time at 5:00 PM to learn if the present lone occupant of the secesher clown car will have company.
Secretary Condos has indicated that his office will try to have a complete list of candidates who've submitted nominating petitions by today's deadline up online over the weekend sometime.
Meanwhile, in another matter related to Wagner's conflicting positions, there's been no word yet about whether Wagner will be

returning the $288.30 Federal subsidy he received while flying out of the airport in Rutland, VT,
which is exactly the kind of subsidy that he "is strongly opposed to" and has argued harms Vermonters that I revealed he'd hypocritically availed himself of (as in sticking his snout in the federal money trough)
here. Wagner must publicly give back that subsidy money or he'll be exposed for the hypocritical fraud that many of us Vermonters know him to be.
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Labels: 5 ≠ 6, Eye on the 30, Eye on the 30 - Peter Moss, Eye on The 30 - Robert Wagner