"It doesn't make economic sense, it doesn't make political sense, it doesn't make historical sense. Other than that, it's a good idea."
- Paul Gillies, former Vermont Deputy Secretary of State, historian and lawyer
Friday, November 18, 2011
Occupy Vermont-Burlington Has Dipped Its Toe Into The Anti-Semitic Cesspool
One of Occupy Vermont-Burlington's administrators has called the well known anti-Semitic, Rothchild family slander something that is "useful" to look at.
This OVB admin has promoted a post that resorted to not so sublime Jew-baiting by using source material from a renown racist, 9-11 Truther and very longtime anti-Semite, Eustace Mullins. Among Mullins' writings greatest hits are "Jewish TV: Sick, Sick, Sick", "Jewish War Against The Western World", "The Holocaust Explained","Mullins' New History of the Jews" and, my personal favorite, "Adolph Hitler: An Appreciation" (search Eustace Mullins here - pg. 5 & 14).
The post I'm referring to was a direct allusion to a notorious anti-Semitic canard about the Rothschild (read: Jewish) family, the Federal Reserve and Mullins' "research" here. The poster further suggested that this sort of filth "be required reading for every high school student in the country after our movement is successful."
When clearly proper objections were raised to the anti-Semitic basis for the post, the OVB website administrator responded on October 24 in two posts at around 7:00 AM here:
"We don't need to split hairs about percentage points with respect to the Rothschild holdings, primarily because they are very good at concealing their direct connections and we might never be able to trace down all of it... Please, it's one article and a useful one at that."
An article by a irrefutable bigot whose conspiracy theories have been promoted by none other than (drumroll, please) Glenn Beck here?
Truly a disgusting display by an OVB admin who's insisted on being an indisputable leader of the rest of us 99 percenters in Vermont. Perhaps an OVB working group is in order for further examination of such pricelessly inspiring works as the afore-noted Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the "struggles" of the author of Mein Kampf.
In a recent piece about institutional quandries and solutions regarding child molesters that are sometimes labeled "sins committed in the name of a higher good," essayist John Zmirak wrote of such ethical issues and predicaments that they “smell and look like lilies. But they flank a coffin. Lying dead and stiff inside that box is natural Justice." Will the leadership, and oh yes, there certainly is one, of OVB be just another purveyor of "situational justice" in America?
Is that all there is?
Of course, by now regular visitors to this blog are probably wondering, "What's this all got to do with Vermont secessionists?"
Vermont Gets Its Very Own Occupy Cyberterrorist - AntiSecOp
In the wake of the tragic suicide of a disturbed occupier at the Occupy Vermont-Burlington City Hall Park camp that is directly attributable to what clearly has to be the most incompetent and inept Occupy group to be found in the country - a group demonstrably unable to to deal with obviously illegal alcohol, drugs and weapons in the midst of their score or so tents - apparently there's now to be a effort to foment criminal acts at the urging of another probably associated group/person calling itself AntiSecOps against the Burlington Vermont Police Department and others including a Vermont National Guard member (see below). Some clod, er, "male", who says that he operates the Facebook page for AntiSecOp and who claims to be a Vermonter wrote there:
"Greetings Vermont,"
"Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are AntiSec."
"We have been watching your situation arise for the past days, and saw the corrupt actions of The Burlington Police Department to keep you out of your encampment during your mourning of Josh. What we saw will not be tolerated, and Burlington Police Department, you will have wished you acted with more honor in the time of tragedy. We will not sit idly by and watch Police Officers abuse their power, and unjustly keep everyone from Occupying there belongings, and holding peaceful citizens for no reason."
"This is bigger than you or I, this is about justice and equality. The time has come to show the City Of Burlington, and the Police Department of Burlington what it feels like to be brought down to their knees. I ask you this, are you going to let police harass your fellow man? Fellow citizens, I ask not what we can do for you, but rather what we all can do together. We are not as different as you may think. We are your cashiers, your college students, your lawyers, we are everywhere, and we are nowhere."
"We will not tolerate your abuse of power by shutting down the encampment in City Hall Park, so we will be sending our vessel to fight alongside the occupiers, and tear down the walls of injustice."
"We are simply an idea, an idea that is bleeding with pride, and honor."
"In response to this, we will be launching campaign OpVermont, effective November 20th at 9 p.m Eastern Standard Time. Join us."
"We are AntiSec." "We are legion." "We do not forget." "We do not forgive." "Burlington, Expect us."
AntiSecOp's "announcement" can (for the moment) be found on their Youtube channel that contains the first announcement and a follow-up "second message" directed at BPD on Saturday. It seems that in his "second message" though that he's walking back a bit from his earlier threatening posture, but not by much.
Then his second notice.
Of course, coupled with that first announcement is this thinly hardly veiled threat to agencies such as the Burlington PD:
We encourage any vessel, large or small, to open fire on any government or agency that crosses their path. We fully endorse the flaunting of the word "AntiSec" on any government website defacement or physical graffiti art... (his trail off, not mine)
Someone should tell the jerk at AntiSecOp that advocating violence, hacking, offering to collude with such acts or even childishly urging that pizzas be sent to the homes of people like cops whose addresses they post happens to be a crime, mostly felonies (maybe not the pizzas but what about the pizza shop owners who won't get paid for product or delivery - that's the 1% they're going after?), not protected speech.
Interestingly, AntiSecOp's "Likes and Interests" are "Anonymous (Occupy America), Occupy Vermont, Occupy Vermont-Burlington" since it began, supposedly sometime in June or so of this year, although a few new ones have been added in recent days. Go figure.
Also, AntiSecOp offers this warning at their Facebook page:
**PRIVACY NOTICE:Warning--any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to m...y photos, and/ or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law...
Sure, whatever again. I'm certain that AntiSecOp has considered the ramifications involved in an anonymous Facebooker suing anyone. Idiot - try thinking beyond someone else's template.
Methinks this particular fraud, AntiSecOp, is as full of shit as the guy.fawkes.vendetta@hotmail.com faker, however he's now straying into threats against individual Vermonters. Here's post about someone that he says is an active duty Vermont National Guard member here and here:
"bitches"? Keepin' it classy, eh scumbag? Is this personal attack on a Vermont National Guard member a preliminary salvo of the Nov. 20, 9:00 PM assault on Vermont that you've promised as what you've called OpVermont? If so, I believe I can speak for the 99% of Vermonters who would say to you, "Bite me, asshole." Ain't nothing like some old fashioned misogyny to make a movement hit the wall.
The AntiSecOp jerkoff isn't the only OVB clown seeking jail time. A former OVB admin and present leader of the fizzling Occupy Rutland group posted this last Friday:
If anybody else has any skills with computers, writing scripts, installing keyloggers, etc, I am putting together a team to do a swift response to Burlington, and it's police department. I do not care about posting publicly, if your interested Private Message me, and we will let the City Of Burlington have it. Even if you have BASIC computer skills, but can catch on, I need numbers, not talent... So if you cant make it up there today, this would be a way to contribute. Again, I am doing this on my own, I do not condone "hacking", but I also don't condone excessive police tactics...
Note to Zach: A "disclaimer" that you don't "condone 'hacking'" isn't going to cut it in court when it's plain to see that you're seeking help from people with skills to install "keyloggers" for a team tasked for "swift response to Burlington, and it's police department" to "let the City Of Burlington have it." Soliciting others to engage in criminal activity is a crime, putz, er, Zach.
If it doesn't wish to see its credibility erode any further than it already has, Occupy Vermont-Burlington must distance itself from this AntiSecOp thug and cool off hotheads like Zach Cavacas. Immediately.
Vermont Secessionist Faker Poses As An Occupy Movement Style Activist
NOTE:For a number of reasons I've been withholding comment on recent developments in the small Vermont secession group and its blatant attempt to coӧpt the Occupy Vermont-Burlington group. That ends tonight.
During the coming days leading up to 9:00 PM on November 20, a time and date set by an ally of the OVB group, AntiSec, when they/it/he will "show the City Of Burlington, and the Police Department of Burlington what it feels like to be brought down to their knees," I'll be posting on a number of relevant topics.
This multi-pronged attack on Vermonters is coming from OVB's ally, who also posts informational links pertaining to the children of police officers, as well as threatening acts of cyberterrorism, sexistly threatens a female Vermont National Guard member with physical assault if she reports what she considers to be threats of violence to the appropriate investigative authority - "snitches get stitches... like little bitches" - and from OVB, a group that entertains anti-Semitic canards and tropes based on the hatred of Jews by a Hitler sympathizer. Sadly, although not terribly surprising, a number of OVB commenters appear to be positively giddy over AntiSec's threats.
This ain't gonna be pretty, folks. So hang on, here we go...
In addition to attracting the ire of Vermont's "small community of secessionists", I've now "caught (the) attention" of someone who's using an email address that is, from what I can find, little more than an homage to a terrorist and would-be mass murderer, Guy Fawkes - guy.fawkes.vendetta@hotmail.com. It seems that our present-day Mr. "Fawkes" has taken a recent interest in this blog that coincides with a number of other peculiar coincidences that I'll be posting about in the coming days. Here's his query:
"Mr. Rowley,"
"An interesting blog. The 'Independence' (s/read secesher) movement has caught our attention."
"A question though. You state: "I thought that secession was worthy of discussion but was troubled by what I had learned about SVR's associations." You have alluded, in other areas of your blog, that secession may be viable but not with the current people who are advocating it."
"Having reviewed the SVR and the Vermont Commons as well as your blog, are you saying that in the proper context secession is a viable option outside of the aforementioned "associations"?
"We look forward to your response."
Really? Here's the deal, Guy: If you want to try to intimidate someone into answering what is obviously a loaded question cobbled together from unrelated statements by glomming onto the "Anonymous," not-so-much, sensation, don't leave your IP address attached to your email. You've unwittingly (read: stoopidly) left compelling evidence as to your identity.
Good luck with that Vermont senate seat you're now supposedly seeking as one of the vaunted secesher "30" who'll be seeking to take over the Vermont Senate in 2012. Normally the secesher clowns that the poseur from guy.fawkes.vendetta@hotmail.com is closely affiliated with collectively poll in the single digit (as in 1% or less). We'll see how Vermonters view a senatorial candidate who uses a fictitious email address based on the identity of a murderous terrorist and how that affects his electability.
" 'I think that the Vermont secessionist movement is over.
Has been for a long time,'
says Frank Bryan, a professor of political science at the University of Vermont," and a co-author of
"Out! The Vermont Secession Book."
- Seven Days, March 6, 2013
VNG (Vermont Army and Air Guard) Battle Flag
This is the flag carried by New Hampshire militia Brig. Gen. John Stark's force at the Battle of Bennington, VT on August 16, 1777.
For his success at Bennington, Stark was promoted to brigadier general of the US Continental Army.
His flag, then known as the Stark-Bennington Flag, later became known as the Green Mountain Boys flag.
The flag is now the official battle flag of the Vermont Army and Air National Guard.
Flags of the
Second Vermont Republic
This flag is the
standard of the present day
Second Vermont Republic.
This flag represents the movement by members of SVR to "collectivize" the assests of the State of Vermont and
re-create a Soviet-style centralized economy based on a report written by SVR members of UVM's Gund Institute.
This flag was used by various 2010 election campaigns of SVR,
such as gubernatorial candidate
Dennis Steele's campaign, managed by secessionist embed in the Occupy Vermont movement, Matt Cropp,
as well as at the official website
of the Second Vermont Republic
that is maintained by the
Magnolia Vermonter, Thomas Naylor.
This is the earliest known SVR flag which represents SVR's strong ties to the white supremacist League of the South that continue to this day.
What Secessionists and Their Supporters Say About This Blog
"CIA-style, cybersmear... extremely well organized and well financed."
Thomas Naylor, the anti-Semitic
& racist coddling founder of SVR,
now deceased.
"I have spent 4 years defusing the SVR/(League of the South) nonsense and it is finally done, even in the blogosphere." September 1, 2010
<"...anonymous hate blogger!"
Rob Williams, VTCommons journal hate blog publisher and a proponent of Lincoln historical revisionism.
Alex Linder, neo-Nazi scum
"I hate to admit it, but (Rowley's) actually starting to make sense..."
Harold Thomas, Ohio Republic
"There is nothing constructive on this blog... hack their websites(!)"
Gary Flomenhoft, Rocket Scientist & Free Vermont listserv Honcho
"Virulent... anonymous ass"
"obnoxious commentary"
Carol Moore, an anti-Semite,
a liar, a secessionist proponent of homogeneous segregated communities and
a VT Commons blogger
Dennis Morrisseau,
a conspiracy addled, anti-Semitic, secessionist whacko and perennial loser of every statewide or local election that he's ever been in for 40 years
"Wow ur realy(sic) stupid aren't you? You really know bnothing(tic) about the SVR... so Thomas Rowley, learn something and stop being a idiotic, blind, american propaganda stuffed, moron... ANd(CAPSic) since you are approving these (comments) no real Vermoters(sic) will ever see this since your(sic) are obviously going to deny any oppion(sic) other than yours."
"maybe you’ve simply got your head down in that photo because you’re busy sucking a cock"
So sayeth the crypto-fascist Comic Book Guy type who runs the racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, admittedly copyright material thieving and neo-Nazi enabling libertariantard website Attack The System.
Learn more about this fat-ass, anarchist nobody, Keith Preston, here
the "temerity of anonymity"
Oddly, washed up freelancer, partisan political hack and frequent contributor to Rob Williams' hate blog, William Boardman, frothingly said this in the comments section of an article wherein he referred to his own anonymous source in three paragraphs. So let's add phony and hypocrite to his fluffed résumé.
Lincoln Derangement Syndrome (n): A deeply-embedded psychosis held by many Vermont seceshers, Lost Causers, neo-Confederates and defenders of Southern Heritage™ like the white supremacists at the League of the South, indicated by the reflexive, knee-jerk response to any criticism of the Confederacy, by pointing out that (1) Abraham Lincoln held personal views about African Americans that were racist, (2) the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t free any slaves, or (3) that Lincoln’s public policy position toward the institution of slavery changed over time.
There is no known cure. Although it has been rumored that homeopathic researchers are working on a sugar pill treatment, they are said to be unsure as to what the correct dilution will be for Lincoln hatred.
Two Books From Noted Authors and Investigators of the
Neo-Confederate Movement.
Absolutely Necessary Texts for Seeing Through The Lies, Misrepresentations and Historical Revisionism of the
Neo-Confederates and Their Vermont Allies:
Second Vermont Republic
and Vermont Commons
(Click on books for ordering information)
Neo-Confederacy: A Critical Introduction
Edited by Euan Hague, Heidi Beirich, and Edward H. Sebesta
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