Vermont Commons Blogger Now Calls Second Vermont Republic "Defunct"
So says Carol Moore.
Whew! Like a rat deserting a sinking ship, and before the really dead baas of the Second Vermont Republic and its founder, Thomas H. Naylor's, moldering ashes have seeped into the racist Mississippi soil that he so cherished, anti-Semitic Vermont Commons blogger and DC libertarian blowhard, Carol Moore, speaks the Vermont seceshers unspeakable truth in a Wikipedia edit of her longtime fluffing effort on behalf of her secesher allies:
"Naylor dead and group pretty much defunct, don't know how much more needs mentioning"Me neither, Carol.
The failures of the Vermont secesher leadership (Rob Williams and sham activist Juliet Buck) just keep on a comin'. So say their own Internets hand jobbers like Carol Moore, noted (until Wikipedia ditched her inappropriately self edited article - now she's nothing to anyone except in her own mind) Waco conspiracy theorist.
As the secessionist bigwigs pass into the leach field of history and their uninspiring sycophants flounder from one unsuccessful endeavor to another, secessionism itself is passing into the oblivion that it so richly deserves.
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